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Senior Photography Tips

Senior Photography Tips

Go shopping for a new outfit or two. We recommend a classic or timeless outfit, something fun and trendy, and an everyday outfit Cheap Wedding Videographer‎

When planning your outfits, keep these tips in mind. Long sleeves de-emphasize your arms and play up your face. Simple solid colors are always good. Large, bold patterns and bright colors can be distracting. Darker colors tend to be more slimming, while light colors call attention to the body.

If you’re going to tan, 1-2 weeks out would be the time to do it. Definitely avoid tanning right before your session. It can make you look too red and tan lines are distracting commercial fashion photography

1 to 2 days before your session.
Lay your outfits out. Make sure they’re free of wrinkles. Remember shoes, belts and accessories.
Gather items such as hair accessories, scarves, jewelry, hats, etc. They add dimension and show your personality Commercial Photography
Don’t forget props such as musical instruments, sports equipment, uniforms, jerseys, etc.
Get a good night’s sleep.
Don’t worry about acne or scratches — we’ll retouch the images you order.
Remember to shave, bring makeup, etc.
At your session:
Bring a sense of adventure and humor. Have fun — it will come through in your portraits!
Looking for inspiration? Check out our Senior Portrait Gallery commercial product photography
